Yep, that's me to the left! A younger version, sure. But me, nonetheless.
Why have I dubbed myself The Nicheless Writer?
Because I cannot narrow my focus to one topic no matter how much I try. There's just so many interesting things to write about and explore. From playing with different genres to blog writing, and even website development and project management, my inquisitive side always takes over. It was only recently that I stopped fighting this natural trait and decided to use it to my advantage instead.
I've been a small business owner for almost 20 years, albeit with other jobs and commitments layered in. (Anyone who thinks being a work-from-home mom with two children under the age of 2 is not that difficult clearly has never been in that position!)
In 2020, I decided it was time to return to my love of writing, and I did... With some speed bumps along the way.
You see, because I was SO used to managing a plethora of projects in my former work role, it was impossible to sit down and follow one path.
I love fiction, yes. And I drafted two novels that first year after leaving my job. But novel-writing is a long and arduous task, coupled with the chore of querying and self-publishing (my eventual path for The Prescott Diaries). And it's not exactly profitable when you're first starting out. (This is not just limited to fiction, either. I ran into the same hurdles with my non-fiction efforts like the What's Your Writing Worth? eBook, The Creator's Tax Book: A Printable Tracker for Freelancers and Consultants and Moving Day: A Guided Planner to Better Organize Your Move.)
During this time, I began my Medium journey, as well. I crossed the 3,500 follower mark this year but it was no easy feat. And even that had its ups and downs.
I also contracted with a content agency and spent a good bit of time writing press releases, white papers, webinar summaries, and other business communications. Thankfully, this offset the cost and energy I was spending on my other efforts.
While I continue to offer web development and content services through my other business, my focus of late is on personal experience pieces and topics I'm interested in learning about (with fiction still in the mix, of course!). I dabbled in niche sites for a time, but setting those up and staying on top of the content requirements quickly proved taxing. Not because I couldn't do it, but because I almost always felt an inner resistance once I was ready to dive in.
It took a lot of time for me to accept that this dilemma was not just me being lazy or procrastinating. Any project I take on must reflect my natural writing style and not inhibit me from chasing whatever paths of interest I choose.
Amanda Linehan sums it up best when she addresses the concept of circular thinking in her book Productivity for INFPs: How to Be Productive Within Your Natural Rhythms. I could not make any of these singular approaches work because they did not fit my inherent needs.
One day not that long ago, it occurred to me...
Why fully rely on the path of others when I've always done things my own way?
Why keep trying to put myself in a box, when clearly I am meant for something more?
And, if I can do it, so can you.
The Nicheless Writer was born.
Within this site, the primary focus is writing without a niche. From resources to articles, I will spend the bulk of my efforts sharing my experience to help you achieve your personal writing goals. You will also have access to content on my many other interests so you can see first-hand a niche is not necessary for your creative spark (and, in my case, actually inhibited it). Let The Nicheless Writer serve as an example for how broad your interests can be — whether you are a writer, an artist, or both.
And, yes, I realize I could submit some of this work to journals or magazines for publication. One day, I might. For now, though, this is my home... A repository of what I care about and lessons learned for other creatives.
I hope you'll come along for the ride!