Learning more about who you are and how you function best eases the stress of a creative life.

The other day, I was browsing X and ran across a referral from a fellow author.
So, I did what I always do… I checked out a sample chapter on Amazon to decide whether it was worth the buy.
I liked what I read, so I shopped around, checking out my favorite stores for book deals. I found a price I was comfortable with and added the book to my shopping cart… But, wait! There’s a promo, and I only have to purchase one more book to get it.
The deal monger in me was intrigued. Surely, I could find one more book from the seller offering the discount.
I routinely save books of interest in my shopping cart, so running through the list was a quick excursion. When it was all said and done, I had not one — or even two — books to add to my collection. I had five.
Know why?