The Nicheless Writer

The Super-Simple Way to Capture Information

All it requires is a free app and a commitment to the process

Diona L. Reeves

Published: September 5, 2024

Ever spent hours searching for a screenshot, quote, or post you remember reading and want to reference in your writing?

There is perhaps nothing more frustrating than stopping work mid-flow to locate something out of reach. (Except, of course, not being able to find what you need at all.)

And with the onslaught of information now available at our fingertips, it’s all too easy to get overrun trying to keep up.

But, guess what? You don’t have to settle for information that’s buried beneath piles of stuff you have no immediate use for.

Nor do you have to dismiss those jewels you run across simply because you fear not being able to find them again.

Instead of adopting a minimalist mindset with your note-taking, create a system that lets you fearlessly gather as much info as you want.

Read more in Write a Catalyst.

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